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//-->CADDYDADDYNu-wave Caddy van gets themost luxurious makeover ever!WIN!mk5 GOLF GTiWorth £f150koPart 4THE WORLD’S BEST-SELLING VW TUNING MAGAZINEJuly 2015£4.50Can’t afford a TT RS? Then producesomething far more unique. Job done!DL501S-Tronic TCU Upgrade has arrived with over 20 added features.www.goapr.comwww.goapr.co.ukwww.goapr.eu+3 Step Launch Control+Raised Shift Points+Reduced Torque Intervention+Active Drive / Sport Gear DisplayQuality over QuantityAPR invests as much time and energy in choosing and training high quality distributors as we do ourworld-leading performance parts. Our products and services can currently be found at 12 authorisedagents throughout the UK, and over 300 locations worldwide.Visitwww.goapr.co.uk/dealerto find yours.PerformanceVWMagazine@pvw_magpvw_magCOVER IMAGE:JOHN COLLEYISSUE:July 2015EDITOR:Elliott Robertspvw@unity-media.comDEPUTY EDITOR:David Kennedydkennedy@unity-media.comAD MANAGER:Sarah ‘Churchy’ Hallsshalls@unity-media.comBadlyDubbedIf there’s one thing I’ve learnt whilst working onPVWforthe last eight years (eight years to the issue as it turnsout, what am I doing with my life?!), it’s that you have tobe pretty thick-skinned when it comes to dealing withcriticism towards the mag. I’m sure Elliott would sharethat sentiment too. Hell, he’s been here for over 16years now, so his skin must be almost rhino-esque inits thickness. It’s not that we don’t take criticismseriously of course. The criticism that matters, yeahfine, we’ll take that on board and try to do better, handon hearts pinky-promise.But the other kind of verbal jabs? The ones thatmake you sit back and think, ‘wait, what?’ Those are theones that can wind you up if you’re not careful. It’s onlynatural when the mag is such an all-encompassing,24/7, 365 days-a-year gig. ‘There’s no innovation in thescene these days’ you’ll read one day, ‘to get on coverofPVWyou have to spend a million pounds on your car,it’s not like the old days’, the next in some randomFacebook comment feed. Or one of our all-timefavourites: ‘PVW doesn’t feature any performance cars’.I’m sorry, all three are just straight up bull but the lastone? Please. We often wonder if the people trotting outthe same old tired complaints have actually seen acopy of the mag in the last few years? No performancecars in the mag? Nope, absolutely none at all. Exceptfor the insane 1200bhp drag racing Jetta on the coverof this one, Tanner Foust’s 900bhp V8 drift Passat lastmonth, the mid-engined V8-powered Mk1 back in April,the list goes on and on. In fact, it’s no lie when we saythat the vast majority of cars featured these days havesome pretty hardcore engine setups going on. In fact,most of the time it’s a prerequisite to being consideredfor a feature in the first place! No performance cars?Come on. And as for the worn-out lack of innovation orrose-tinted ideas about budget lines? As if cover carsfive or ten years ago were cheap! It’s all relative isn’t it.Take a look at a show report from 1999, most ofthe cars look the similar to each other don’t they?Styles evolve, tastes change and people come and go,but there is no denying the VW scene is as varied, asinteresting and as good at pushing boundaries as it hasever been, you just need to know where to look, whatto ignore and what to focus on.On a more positive note, one way we’ve beenevolving the mag over the last few years is to includemore Audi content regularly. And we’re thrilled to saythat it’s gone down so well with both readers andadvertisers alike that we figured it was time for theworld’s biggest and best selling VW tuning mag (just totrot that line out again), to release a special Audibookazine containing some of the best Audi featuresfrom the last few years ofPVW,just to show how itshould be done.Ultimate Audiis on sale now inWHSmith and in our online store. If you like Audis, youshould definitely pick up a copy, #supportprintmediaand all that…David KennedyDeputy EditorSUB EDITORS:Christian Shelton, Rachael WillsonSENIOR DESIGNER:Aaron BatsonDESIGNERS:Dave Powney, Alex SowaPRODUCTION MANAGER:Jo Claydon-SmithREPROGRAPHIC CONTROLLER:Marion JenkinsRETOUCHER:Laurence GreenFINANCIAL DIRECTOR:Helen LawsonEXECUTIVE PA:Sandra BaldockCONTRIBUTORS:Mick Clements, Louise Woodhams,Neil Hunt, Tony Saggu, Joel NewmanPHOTOGRAPHERS:John Colley, Dean Smith,Seb Moi, Vitek Trojanm and Joey Gordon,Marcus at CGFilm.tv, Si Gray, Anna Taylor,Rick Di Corpo, Rodolfo Lamaestra, Alex BucurEDITORIAL, ADVERTISING & SUBSCRIPTIONSPerformance VW,Unity Media plc, Becket House,Vestry Road, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN14 5EJ, EnglandTEL:01732 748000FAX:01732 748001Editorial email:pvw@unity-media.comAd sales email:shalls@unity-media.comAd production email:lwhite@unity-media.comWeb:www.performancevwmag.comINDEPENDENCEPVWis published by Unity Media plc for all owners, drivers andenthusiasts of VW performance cars. It is entirely independent ofmanufacturers, dealers and associated clubs or affiliations.And we speak as we find…DISTRIBUTIONSeymour Distribution Ltd. If you have trouble findingPVWin theUK please contact: 020 7429 4000 or csu@seymour.co.ukFor overseas queries: Seymour International LtdTEL:020 7429 4000EMAIL:intl.query@seymour.co.ukPRINTED:William Gibbons & Sons LtdWhile every effort is made in compilingPVW,the publishers cannotbe held responsible for errors or omissions.Readers are advised to pay by credit card when ordering goods offthe page as they are regulated under Consumer Act 1974, unlikedebit or charge cards, which are not.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproducedor transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic ormechanical, including photocopying, recording or any storage orretrieval system, without the consent of the publisher. One yearsubscription price UK £43.20, EUR £60, ROW £71 (with 20% offUK cover price worldwide). Registered at Stationers Hall Copyright.Direct Input by Unity Media Communications Ltd.Performance VW(ISSN 1364-2502), is published monthly, (12 times per year) byUnity Media Communication Ltd, UK, c/o USACAN Media Dist.Srv. Corp. at 26 Power Dam Way Suite S1-S3, Plattsburgh, NY12901. Periodicals postage paid at Champlain NY and at additionalmailing offices.POSTMASTER:Send address changes toPerformance VW,Unity Media Plc, Becket House, Vestry Road,Sevenoaks, Kent, TN14 5EJ.TEL:01732 748000.SUBSCRIBE ONLINE:www.performancevwmag.comISSN: 1364-2502© 2015 Unity Media plcPVW(established Oct 1996) is published by Unity Media PLCPerformance VWis available for international licensing and syndication.EMAIL:hlawson@unity-media.comDIGITAL EDITION FROM:July 20153PerformanceVWMagazine@pvw_magpvw_mag08Regulars19245065102109116118120122126130NEWSCOMPETITIONUS SUBSPOSTERUK SUBSRCARSEVENTS DIARYTALK THE TALKRELOADEDTHE REWINDSPECIALISTNEXT MONTH40and save 20%Subscribe toPerformance VWmagazine and save 20%!See page 102, go towww.performancevwmag.com,or call 01732 748084Subscribe564Performance VWFeatures08There are some that say any more than300bhp through the front wheels is justplain silly. Imagine what they’ll make of a1200bhp Mk2 Jetta Coupé then.With a price difference of around £16kbetween the second-gen TT S and theTT RS, Rob O’Kane had to make acompromise and opt for the less spicyversion. Three years on, though...The month of May only means one thing for VWenthusiasts across Europe and that thing isWörthersee. Do we really need to say anymore?Oh, we do. Let’s get started then…We don’t venture ‘up North’ for many people,but when the friendly folk at PSI Tuning recentlyinvited us up for tea and doughnuts we couldhardly say no.Martyn Pugh reckons: “If VW made a Caddy GTI,this would be it.” We’d argue what he’s createdis way better…Bit of a cheesy title, sure, but Walter Henkelshas built himself a Mk5 that’s purer and cleanerthan anything a certain Albuquerque-basedscience teacher could have cooked up.Looking to take home the top prize in TopDawg at H20 International this summer?Take a lesson from Davide Scarsini’s Mk4 here,this is how you do it.FRONTIN’32REAL MEN WEAR ORANGE40EURO-VISION46GOOD FELLAS56CADDY DADDY70WALTER WHITE78HOT DAWG92DAPPER LAUGHSIt’s no wonder people are envious of Dapperfounder, Rodolfo Lamaestra – the guy appearsto be living the dream. It all revolves around adeep love of cars though, he claims. We pry alittle deeper…78GIVEawaysWIN!24WINONE OF THREESAMCO SPORTHOSE KITS!26mk5 GOLF GTiWorth £f150koPart 4July 20155 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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