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//-->RAIN-WATER HARVESTINGBY :- NALIN KUMARROLL NO:- 70MECHANICAL-BFINAL YEARTABLE OF CONTENTS••••••INTRODUCTIONNEED FOR RAIN-WATER HARVESTINGVARIOUS METHODS EMPLOYEDEXPECTED BENEFITSIMPLEMENTATIONSUCCESS STORIESINTRODUCTIONRain is the ultimate source of fresh water. With the ground areaaround houses and buildings being cemented, particularly incities and towns, rainwater, which runs off from terraces androofs, was draining into low-lying areas and not percolating intothe soil. Thereby, precious rainwater is squandered, as it isdrained into the sea eventually.Rain water harvesting is a system by which, the rainwaterthat collects on the roofs and the area around the buildings isdirected into open wells through a filter tank or into apercolation chamber , built specifically for this purpose.Rainwater is collected directly or recharged into the ground toimprove ground water storage. Water that is not extracted fromground during rainy days is the water saved.NEED FOR RAIN-WATERHARVESTINGMajor parts of our country have been facing continuousfailure of monsoon and consequent deficit of rainfall over thelast few years.Also, due to ever increasing population of India, the use ofground water has increased drastically leading to constantdepletion of ground water level causing the wells and tube-wells to dry up.In some places, excessive heat waves during summer createa situation similar to drought.It is imperative to take adequate measures to meet thedrinking water needs of the people in the country besidesirrigation and domestic needs.Out of 8760 hours in a year, most of the rain in India falls injust 100 hours.VARIOUS METHODS EMPLOYEDRainwater can be harvested in a variety of ways:2.Directly from roof tops and stored in tanks.3.Monsoon run off and water in swollen streams during theMonsoon and storing it in underground tanks.4.Water from flooded rivers can be stored in small ponds.There are basically two models associated with Rainwater harvesting:•Urban model•Rural modelUrban model:this method mainly insists on directly harvesting waterfrom roof tops. The schematic diagram is as follows : [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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