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//-->7 ADULTCOLORINGPAGESPRINTING INSTRUCTIONS1. Click the download button to download the PDF of the eBook.2. When the dialog box appears, choose “desktop” as the location for the download.3. After the eBook downloads, double click the icon of it on your desktop.4. Go to File>Print.5. The dialog box will ask you which pages you want to print. Select “All” to print out the wholebook, or enter a page range to print part oAf the book (e.g. 3-7).6. Click print, and then gather your printed pages and have fun!COLORING MATERIALSHow to Use This eBookWhether you want to print one page or print them all, this adult coloring book will provide you withhours of relaxing and calming coloring time. Simply gather your favorite coloring tools and you’reready to go! Here are a few of our favorite tools to use:Colored Pencils:If you’re a stickler for detail and color, try using colored pencils. Available in a widevariety of colors and styles, colored pencils make it easy to add shading and intricate detail to yourdesign.HELPFUL TIP: Keep those pencils sharpened! A sharp-tipped pencil will help you color in thosesmaller, more intricate areas of your design and leave you with a piece that’s literally bursting withcolor. Any general pencil sharpener should do the trick.Crayons:For those who are looking to just have some fun coloring, crayons are the perfect solution.Great for bigger designs that don’t offer too much detail, crayons make coloring easy and stress-free.Like colored pencils, crayons often come in a wide variety of colors, giving you the freedom to add asmuch color to your design as you’d like!HELPFUL TIP: Mix up your mediums! You can give your artwork a whole new look by using coloredpencils or even paint to help accent your crayon illustration. Color lines and shapes of your artworkheavily with crayon, then cover with them with watercolor or paint. The wax from the crayon will “pop”through the painted surface, giving a neat accent to your artwork.Copic Markers:Copic Markers are an investment, and for those that have them, they can really dowonders in bringing your artwork to life. Copic Markers allow you to add amazing depth and color toyour project and, best of all, most of them are refillable!HELPFUL TIP: Beware of the bleed-through! Copic Markers give great color saturation to your artwork;however, that also means that they have a tendency to bleed through. Save your counter tops (or therest of your coloring pages) by laying some scrap paper underneath your illustration before you startcoloring. Two scrap sheets ought to do the trick.Fine Liner Pens:Like colored pencils, fine liner pens give you the ability to add detailed color anddesign to your illustration. Often used for sketching and handwriting, these liner pens come in avariety of colors and are often easy on the budget. They will give you strong, saturated color but don’tlend themselves too well to shading or blending.HELPFUL TIP: Know your ink! Fine liner pens come in a variety of ink bases, including water, pigment,oil, and alcohol. Oil and alcohol-based inks tend to bleed more through paper, as they’re designed formediums such as metal or glass. Pigment ink often offers a more permanent acid-free option that willallow you to enjoy your work for years to come.7 ADULTCOLORINGPAGESLETTER FROM THE EDITORThe simple act of coloring has been pleasing kids for generations. But why should kids have all thefun? If you’re someone who enjoys the soothing act of coloring, you’re going to love our collection ofprintable adult coloring pages.Leisure Arts and FaveCrafts have joined forces to bring you a collection of 7 amazing illustrations in ourin our new printable collection,7 Adult Coloring Pages.Try your hand at creating colorful and intricatedesigns that you can proudly display once you’ve completed them. Use crayons, colored pencils, CopicMarkers, or any other tool of your choosing to bring these magical images to life. With instructions onhow to print and use this eBook,7 Adult Coloring Pagesis perfect for those of us who are looking forsimple and fun stress-free activities!You can find more craft projects, ideas, and tutorials atwww.FaveCrafts.com.Our eBooks, like all of our craft projects, are absolutelyFREE.Please feel free to share with family andfriends and ask them tosign up at our websitefor free newsletters from FaveCrafts.com.We hope you enjoy these free adult coloring pages!Happy Crafting,The Editors of FaveCrafts.comwww.favecrafts.comwww.favecraftsblog.com7 ADULTCOLORINGPAGES©Copyright 2015 by Prime Publishing LLCAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or byany means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informationstorage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher, except in the caseof brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.Trademarks are property of their respective holders. When used, trademarks are for thebenefit of the trademark owner only.Illustrations by Matt Paulson and Leisure Arts.ALLFREECROCHETALLFREESEWINGALLFREEKNITTINGFAVEQUILTSPublished by Prime Publishing LLC, 3400 Dundee Road, Northbrook, IL 60062. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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//-->7 ADULTCOLORINGPAGESPRINTING INSTRUCTIONS1. Click the download button to download the PDF of the eBook.2. When the dialog box appears, choose “desktop” as the location for the download.3. After the eBook downloads, double click the icon of it on your desktop.4. Go to File>Print.5. The dialog box will ask you which pages you want to print. Select “All” to print out the wholebook, or enter a page range to print part oAf the book (e.g. 3-7).6. Click print, and then gather your printed pages and have fun!COLORING MATERIALSHow to Use This eBookWhether you want to print one page or print them all, this adult coloring book will provide you withhours of relaxing and calming coloring time. Simply gather your favorite coloring tools and you’reready to go! Here are a few of our favorite tools to use:Colored Pencils:If you’re a stickler for detail and color, try using colored pencils. Available in a widevariety of colors and styles, colored pencils make it easy to add shading and intricate detail to yourdesign.HELPFUL TIP: Keep those pencils sharpened! A sharp-tipped pencil will help you color in thosesmaller, more intricate areas of your design and leave you with a piece that’s literally bursting withcolor. Any general pencil sharpener should do the trick.Crayons:For those who are looking to just have some fun coloring, crayons are the perfect solution.Great for bigger designs that don’t offer too much detail, crayons make coloring easy and stress-free.Like colored pencils, crayons often come in a wide variety of colors, giving you the freedom to add asmuch color to your design as you’d like!HELPFUL TIP: Mix up your mediums! You can give your artwork a whole new look by using coloredpencils or even paint to help accent your crayon illustration. Color lines and shapes of your artworkheavily with crayon, then cover with them with watercolor or paint. The wax from the crayon will “pop”through the painted surface, giving a neat accent to your artwork.Copic Markers:Copic Markers are an investment, and for those that have them, they can really dowonders in bringing your artwork to life. Copic Markers allow you to add amazing depth and color toyour project and, best of all, most of them are refillable!HELPFUL TIP: Beware of the bleed-through! Copic Markers give great color saturation to your artwork;however, that also means that they have a tendency to bleed through. Save your counter tops (or therest of your coloring pages) by laying some scrap paper underneath your illustration before you startcoloring. Two scrap sheets ought to do the trick.Fine Liner Pens:Like colored pencils, fine liner pens give you the ability to add detailed color anddesign to your illustration. Often used for sketching and handwriting, these liner pens come in avariety of colors and are often easy on the budget. They will give you strong, saturated color but don’tlend themselves too well to shading or blending.HELPFUL TIP: Know your ink! Fine liner pens come in a variety of ink bases, including water, pigment,oil, and alcohol. Oil and alcohol-based inks tend to bleed more through paper, as they’re designed formediums such as metal or glass. Pigment ink often offers a more permanent acid-free option that willallow you to enjoy your work for years to come.7 ADULTCOLORINGPAGESLETTER FROM THE EDITORThe simple act of coloring has been pleasing kids for generations. But why should kids have all thefun? If you’re someone who enjoys the soothing act of coloring, you’re going to love our collection ofprintable adult coloring pages.Leisure Arts and FaveCrafts have joined forces to bring you a collection of 7 amazing illustrations in ourin our new printable collection,7 Adult Coloring Pages.Try your hand at creating colorful and intricatedesigns that you can proudly display once you’ve completed them. Use crayons, colored pencils, CopicMarkers, or any other tool of your choosing to bring these magical images to life. With instructions onhow to print and use this eBook,7 Adult Coloring Pagesis perfect for those of us who are looking forsimple and fun stress-free activities!You can find more craft projects, ideas, and tutorials atwww.FaveCrafts.com.Our eBooks, like all of our craft projects, are absolutelyFREE.Please feel free to share with family andfriends and ask them tosign up at our websitefor free newsletters from FaveCrafts.com.We hope you enjoy these free adult coloring pages!Happy Crafting,The Editors of FaveCrafts.comwww.favecrafts.comwww.favecraftsblog.com7 ADULTCOLORINGPAGES©Copyright 2015 by Prime Publishing LLCAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or byany means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informationstorage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher, except in the caseof brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.Trademarks are property of their respective holders. When used, trademarks are for thebenefit of the trademark owner only.Illustrations by Matt Paulson and Leisure Arts.ALLFREECROCHETALLFREESEWINGALLFREEKNITTINGFAVEQUILTSPublished by Prime Publishing LLC, 3400 Dundee Road, Northbrook, IL 60062. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]