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//-->State of California . The Resources Agency . Department of Parks and RecreationBASIC PLUMBINGSKILLSDecember 3-8, 2006Training SyllabusWilliam Penn Mott Jr. Training CenterState of CaliforniaMemorandumDate:November 14, 2006To:From:SupervisorDepartment of Parks and RecreationWilliam Penn Mott Jr. Training CenterSubject:Employee Attendance at Formal TrainingBasic Plumbing Skills Group 15An employee from your office will soon be attending the formal training program described in theattached. Please insure that the employee is fully prepared to attend the session and that thegroundwork is laid for the employee’s implementation of the training upon returning to work.You can assist with capturing the full value of the training by taking the following steps:Prior to Training1. Make sure thatspecificemployee needs are identified and, if necessary, calledimmediately to the attention of the Training Coordinator.2. Review with the employee the reason for the employee’s attendance.3. Review objectives and agenda with the employee.4. Discuss objectives and performance expected after the training.Immediately Following Attendance1. Discuss what was learned and intended uses of the training.2. Review the employee’s assessment of the training program for its impact at theworkplace and review the due date of the Post-Training Evaluation form.3. Support the employee's use of the training at the work place.Prior to Three Months Following Training1. Employee after discussion with the supervisor login to the Employee TrainingManagement System (ETMS) to complete the Post-Training Evaluation form.2. Supervisor evaluates the effectiveness of the training on the employee’s job performanceand login to the ETMS to complete the Training Effectiveness Assessment form.Thank you for your assistance in seeing that the full benefit of training is realized.Broc E. StenmanDepartment Training OfficerAttachmentcc: ParticipantTABLE OF CONTENTSFormal Training Guidelines .......................................................................................... 1Program Attendance Checklist ..................................................................................... 6Post Training Assignment ............................................................................................ 7Agenda......................................................................................................................... 8Program Outline ...........................................................................................................10Program Objectives...................................................................................................... 11Location Map................................................................................................................ 12Mission StatementTraining OfficeThe mission of the Training Office is to improveorganizational and individual performance throughconsulting, collaboration, training and development.MOTT TRAINING CENTER STAFFBroc Stenman ..........................Department Training OfficerMichael Green.......... Assistant Department Training OfficerJoanne Danielson ...................................Training SpecialistChuck Combs..........................................Training SpecialistDave Galanti ...........................................Training SpecialistSara Skinner ...........................................Training SpecialistMichelle Gardner...............................Cadet Training OfficerConnie Breakfield..............................Cadet Training OfficerPat Bost .............................. Assistant Program CoordinatorPamela Yaeger ................... Assistant Program CoordinatorBill Spencer ......................... Assistant Program CoordinatorEdith Alhambra.................... Assistant Program CoordinatorSummer Kincaid.................. Assistant Program CoordinatorBrian Petersen ........................................Program AssistantTHE MISSIONof the California Department of Parks and Recreation is to provide for thehealth, inspiration and education of the people of California by helping topreserve the state’s extraordinary biological diversity, protecting its mostvalued natural and cultural resources, and creating opportunities for highquality outdoor recreation.FORMAL TRAINING GUIDELINESWelcome to formal training, an essential component in your career development.Since 1969, our Department has been providing a continuously changing number of diversetraining programs at its Training Center. The Department strives to enhance your learningand job performance with formal training of the highest quality. This fact demonstrates thecommitment your Department has made to you in your service to the public. Thiscommitment is costly and represents an important investment in you and your career. Youand the Department realize a return on that investment by your positive participation andpost training follow-through.The program you will be participating in is described in this training syllabus, which outlineswhat you can expect from this training and what is expected of you. This syllabus detailswhat you should do before you leave for training; what to do when you arrive; what you willbe doing while in training; and, importantly, what you should be able to do when you returnto your work site. Specifically:1.SYLLABUS: The syllabus is now accessible on the Employee Training ManagementSystem (ETMS). You should print a copy of the syllabus to bring with you to class.Your copy of this syllabus is an important part of your training experience and shouldbe brought with you to training. Read it before you arrive and review it following theprogram along with material you received at training.PRE-TRAINING ASSIGNMENTS: Your completion of pre-training assignments isessential to the success of your training. You are responsible for all readingassignments in preparation for classroom sessions. Time will be provided duringworking hours to accomplish any assignments which involve either individual or groupefforts and resources. (Pre-training assignments are listed in the "Training AttendanceRequirements" section.)TRAVEL: Arrange your travel to and from the training through your District or Office.(No reimbursement for travel expense - including per diem costs - will be approved fortravel not specifically authorized in advance by the District Superintendent.) Individualsmay claim reimbursement for incidental expenses incurred as outlined in DAM 0410. Training Center does not have the capability to provide transportation to/fromMonterey Airport.4.HOUSING: Housing will be assigned to you on a shared-room basis and will beavailable from 3 p.m. on the date of arrival to 12 noon on the date of departure. TheDepartment provides your room and board expenses at the Training Center only. Noper diem allowance will be authorized for living off-grounds. This does not precludeliving off-grounds at your own expense. Please advise the Department Training Officerno later than one week before your scheduled arrival if you plan to live off-grounds. Noanimals are permitted in Asilomar housing. In the event of an emergency, staff mustknow your room assignment, therefore, you may not switch rooms without staffapproval. Overnight guests are not allowed in the buildings unless registeredbeforehand at the front desk in Asilomar's Administration Building. Quiet hour for lodgeliving areas is 10 p.m.HOUSING CANCELLATION POLICY: If you do not needlodging or must change or cancel your reservation, youmust contact the Training Center at least 72 hours prior toyour date of arrival. The Training Center is committed toensuring that the reservation that has been made for youis accurate and needed.5.MEALS: Meals will be provided, semi-cafeteria style, from dinner on the date of arrivalthrough lunch on the date of departure. Meals will be served at 7:15 a.m. for breakfast,12 noon for lunch, and 6 p.m. for dinner. Hot or box lunches may be provided on somedays. If you require a special diet, notify the Asilomar Chef at 831-372-8016 no laterthan one week before your scheduled arrival.OFF-GROUNDS ACCOMMODATIONS: When authorized to stay off-grounds by theDepartment Training Officer, the Training Center will pickup the cost of your room andmeals at the current DPR Asilomar rate. If you stay off grounds and have meals ongrounds, the Training Center will authorize only what the Department pays Asilomar forlodging.CLOTHING: Field uniforms as found in “Description of Required Field Uniforms”, DOMChapter 2300, Uniform Handbooks, not including optional items, will be worn daily byall uniformed employees during formal training sessions unless specified in theProgram Attendance Checklist. Non-uniformed employees shall wear professionalbusiness attire.Because we are on the conference grounds with many other groups, and the image weproject as State Park employees is important not only during working hours but off dutyhours as well, your informal sportswear should be appropriate.6.7.11/14/062 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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